100+ Digital Ideas in 100 Minutes: Generate 100+ ideas for Digital Adoption to Grow Your Business Anirvan Sen Author

100+ Digital Ideas in 100 Minutes: Generate 100+ ideas for Digital Adoption to Grow Your Business Anirvan Sen Author
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There is a momentous need for every company to become digital to survive in the coming decade. There is a digital tsunami coming. Irrespective of its size, location or industry, companies across the spectrum face the same colossal existential threat. As more of the population get online and technology advances, more businesses will be compelled to conduct businesses through digital platform. The signs are clear and ominous. But large number of companies are absolutely clueless on where to start? Many of them have their heads deeply buried in the sand. Then, there are others who have highly myopic understanding of digital technologies. And the biggest one is by far the ones who believe that digital transformation is a binary journey. They believe that you can only become a digital company when you have a digital product or service. Unfortunately, this could not be further from truth. To become a true digital company, a business has to go much beyond having a digital product or service. In fact, having a digital product or a service is not even a pre-requisite anymore. Companies must identify digital ways for their user interactions, they must have digital marketing campaigns, share their knowledge through content marketing, create insightful data from their virtual interactions with their customers and manage infrastructures that are based in the cloud. A company must have a comprehensive 360 approach with enabling technology and new-age digital tools to truly imbibe the spirit of being digital. In order to help you get a comprehensive view, we have identified 11 critical elements that form the foundation of a digital company. These 11 elements have been combined to form a Digital Adoption Framework (DAF). This framework is the cornerstone of our Digital Ideation approach. Once you have got a comprehensive understanding of the Digital Adoption Framework, you must then use the DAF lens to study your existing and potential customers. First, you must define different types of users that you can potentially interact in the virtual world and then undergo a learning process for all different facets of your customer, their emotions, their aspirations and their interactions with you. By studying and reviewing different angles of a customer relationship, you will generate hundreds of ideas that you can adopt through digital medium. Once you have understood DAF and applied it to understand your interactions with your customers and prospects, that is when you are ready to conduct a deep ideation session. Ideation may sound easy, but most companies struggle with it. Once you have generated the first few ideas, you will find that after the initial set, it becomes hard to generate additional ideas. Companies start to struggle after their first 20 ideas. With a bit of concerted effort and focus, companies can get another 10-15 ideas. But after that, it is an uphill battle. There are two reasons why one must look at generating 100+ ideas. One is that companies need a big repository of ideas to choose from. The bigger the idea pool, the wider their choice. Secondly, by undergoing this mass idea generation, you will not leave any stone unturned and would have comprehensively, reviewed all aspects that can potentially give you digital ideas. We have used the 6M cause-and-effect tool that is widely used in the LEAN six-sigma world. By going through each of the elements explained in the chapter, along with DAF thinking and your customer profile lens, you should be able to generate hundreds if not thousands of ideas that can give you that elusive growth that you have been looking for so desperately. The book has been structured for a short read. That is why, I have distilled important topics and put them in an easy-to-understand format for you.With this I wish you all the best, happy reading and may you get 100+ ideas to grow your business.