6 Amazon Product Launch Secrets Gurus Don't Want You To Know

6 Amazon Product Launch Secrets Gurus Don't Want You To Know
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Do you want to effortlessly master 6 proven product launch methods to rank on page 1 of Amazon & generate organic sales FAST, WITHOUTspending a ton of time, money or effort?(Oh, and did Imention these 6 methods work even if you have ZEROonline marketing experience or have failed Amazon product launches in the past?)Keep reading because 67% of Amazon Sellers make less than $100/month in profit! This means that 2 out of every 3 Amazon Sellers deposit less than $100 into their bank account every month! Why are so many Amazon Sellers making such little profit?The problem is that most Amazon Sellers only know one or two product launch methods and are completely unaware of the strategies the top 1% of Amazon Sellers use to effortlessly launch their products fast with as little time, money and stress as possible. (HINT: they’re not doing giveaways or 50%-90% discounts!)Knowing only one or two product launch methods leaves your entire Amazon investment at the mercy of a service, agency, or platform that couldn’t care less about your Amazon business and ultimately burn your entire investment alive and leave you bankrupt, crying in the corner of your room eating a gallon of off-brand ice cream. Trust me.I’ve been there. Not only that, but many of these so-called “product launch services"use black hat ranking tactics that can have your Amazon account shut down FOREVER! Luckily for your there’s a solution. Let me introduce you to the Amazon Product Launch Secrets Course. In this course you will learn. The step-by-step guide to rank products & generate organic sales on Amazon faster, more profitably AND with less stress than ever before.#1 Amazon product launch MYTH that can cause you to lose your entire investment (and mind) and how to spot & avoid it like a pro. Uncover he mystery of Amazon’s A9 ranking algorithm so you can stop putting yourself at the unforgiving mercy of bad product launch methods and gurus/services that don’t care about your business. Learn how to reach hundreds of THOUSANDS of potential buyers for only $14.00 by tapping into the power of influencer marketing. Ethically steal MASSIVE amounts of traffic from the world’s largest search engine and send it to your listing for a huge surge in keyword ranking AND SALES. Get high quality buyers to your listing (for CHEAP) for years to come with simple Pinterest Ads. 100% FREEproduct press release templateYou may be wondering why I (Sumner) have any credibility to teach this topic. Well, I am an (actual) full-time Amazon Seller who generates a LOTmore than $100 in profit per month and I’ve been burned many times before by trying to launch products on Amazon without any guidance ORrelying on so-called “product launch services” that blew through my investment with absolutely ZERO results to show.I’ve spent MONTHSinterviewing & studying 7 and 8-figure Amazon Sellers to learn their secret ranking strategies as well as relentlessly testing different ranking methods of my own to find the absolute BEST ways to launch products on Amazon with as little time, money and stress as humanely possible. Oh, and learning how to NOT put myself and my business at the mercy of one or two crap strategies. If you’ve made it this far Iknow Ican drastically help your Amazon business but don’t take my word for it! Take a look at the course reviews for yourself. By the end of this course you will have every single thing that you need to profitably rank products on Amazon faster and with greater confidence & success than ever before.30 DAYGUARANTEE: The best part is if this course does not have a profound impact on every single product you launch on Amazon for the rest of your life Udemy will refund your entire purchase amount within 30 days. BONUS: Along with everything listed above Iwill also teach you 3 little-known TOS-friendly hacks to generate your first 10 Amazon reviews FASTER than your competitors and other Amazon Sellers as well as a couple other tricks; )ADDTOCARTnow and launch every single product on Amazon easier, faster and with greater confidence than ever before! Ilook forward to seeing you inside: )