A Gentle Introduction To JavaScript For Beginners

A Gentle Introduction To JavaScript For Beginners
19.99 USD
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JavaScripthas become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implementJavaScript. Thus, You mustlearn JavaScriptif you want to get into web development, and you mustlearnit well if you’re planning on being a front-end developer or on usingJavaScriptfor backend development. JavaScriptis a good choice for your first programming language. JavaScript is nearly ubiquitous. And you can use to develop all sorts of applications. Many websites you probably use every dayrely on JavaScript, including Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify. JavaScript is easy. Im not the first one or last one to point out this, because this fact is very well known across the industry. This is why it is a very good starting point for those interested in learning to code. JavaScript is a real programming language: It doesn’t work like HTML or CSS and it has its own set of rules. and although it’s not always easy for Web Designers to switch gears and start thinking like computer programmers, my hope is that my gentle introduction will make your transition easier. The goal of this course isn’t to turn you into the next great programmer. This course is meant to familiarize Web Designers and Newbie Programmers with the ins and outs of JavaScript and then move on to more advanced concepts and tools for adding really useful interactivity to a Web site as quickly and easily as possible. Perhaps best of all, JavaScript is actually built into your browser, so you dont have to install anything to start programming in it. That makes it incredibly accessible. Theres a good chance youll find the basics easy to learn, but dont worry because there are plenty of advanced concepts to keep you busy learning for a very long time. In the past several years, JavaScript has undergone a rebirth, fueled by high-profile websites like Google, Uber, Nexflix which use JavaScript extensively to create interactive web applications. Theres never been a better time to learn JavaScript. With the wealth of knowledge and the quality of scripts being written, you can add sophisticated interaction to your websiteeven if youre a beginner.