Ad Swap List Building Secrets Lou Diamond Editor

Ad Swap List Building Secrets Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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Struggling to build your list?Discover How To Quickly and Easily Send Your List Building Into Overdrive By Taking Advantage of the Incredible Power of Adswaps…Dear Fellow Internet MarketerSo ’the money is in the list.’ I’m guessing that you’ve already heard that expression, right?Listen - it’s no secret that an email mailing list gives you the power to make money literally on tap. Set up an autoresponder sequence and you can even make sales in your sleep.The stuff dreams are made of eh?It’s pretty cool but you DO get used to it after a while… You see, quite simply that’s the everyday reality for anyone who has a decent sized mailing list of targeted subscribers…The hard part is actually building your list in the first place!Just how the bloody hell do you attract subscribers?Here’s the typical scenario…You create your product, you set up your squeeze page and you unleash it on the world.2 months later and you’ve attracted precisely 23 subscribers. Disheartened and frustrated, you give up and go out and buy the latest internet marketing product which promises you overnight riches…Sound familiar?Now there are a number of reasons why you might be struggling to build your list …1.It could be that your squeeze page is (for want of a better word) CRAP.2.It might be that quite simply nobody wants your free product…More likely however is that you simply aren’t getting a decent flow of traffic to your squeeze page. Your free offer could be converting at 50%, but if only 50 people a month are hitting your squeeze page it means you’ll only increase your subscriber base by 25 people each month.Wouldn’t it be great if you could send an instant surge of targeted traffic to your squeeze page?Well I’ve got some good news for you…. you CAN!Introducing…Adswap List Building Secrets:How To Quickly Build Your List Using Adswaps… A mailing list gives you a solid foundation for a real online business. The ability to build a list quickly and easily is one of the most powerful skills you’ll ever learn as an internet marketer - and adswaps are a fantastic way of doing it…Inside you’ll discover:•How to quickly and easily boost the size of your list using the incredible power of adswaps. Best of all, it won’t cost you a thing!•How to find the right adswap partners. Not all adswaps partners are equal - I’ll show you how to find the right people to swap with for maximum results, as well as the people you should avoid at all costs.•How to make yourself attractive. Most people won’t just adswap with anyone - you need to know how to make yourself attractive.•Designing your squeeze page - the different options open to you and how to find out which one will work best for you.•The secrets of success. I take you through everything and guide you from adswap newbie to full on expert!There are many ways to build a list and adswapping is by no means the only way to do it.It IS however one of the most effective. Once you’ve seen the power of adswaps for yourself they start to become pretty addictive…Imagine if one simple adswap increased the size of your list by just 20 people in a day. How many adswaps would you do?