Advertising in the Metaverse (Financial Freedom, #13) Joshua King Author

Advertising in the Metaverse (Financial Freedom, #13) Joshua King Author
Brand: Joshua King
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The advertising ecosystem went through a massive change from print ads to YouTube sponsorships. Now, individual content creators hold significant influence over huge audiences, and brands understand this new dynamic. As we enter the Metaverse, advertising will again go through a metamorphosis. Instead of seeing static displays and posters, consumers will want to enter these worlds through the metaverse. Think of the last science fiction movie you watched. Now imagine entering this world at your own home. Inside, big brands and local stores will sponsor various shops, bars, and meeting areas. Content creators will then create new content inside of these new metaverses. Brands will sponsor this content because it encourages consumers to return to their worlds continually. If you aren’t a content creator or don’t have a content strategy, now is the time to build this vital resource. Content marketing is the new advertising, and there will be a need for 5-10 times more content as we move into the metaverse. Good Luck!