Article Domination Method Lou Diamond Editor

Article Domination Method Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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Anatomy Of A Successful ArticleEvery article contains three primary elements; the Title, the Article Content and the Resource Box (aka Bio Box). We’ll cover the basics now, and go into greater detail before we’re done. Following the article, written by Internet Marketer, and Software Designer, Jonathan Leger, I’ll discuss its strengths. This will give us a solid foundation on which to build.SEO Made Easy Part 3 of 5: Let the Search Engines Know Your Page is RelevantIn parts one and two of this five part tutorial, I discussed how to select and analyze the keywords that you should try and rank your page for. In this article I’ll discuss how to format your page in such a way that the search engines know it is relevant to your chosen keywords. This process is known as “on-page optimization”.Step 3: On-Page OptimizationThere are two kinds of search engine optimization: on-page and off-page. On-page optimization is the stuff you do to your actual web page that will help it get ranked. Off-page optimization means stuff that isn’t on the page that affects your ranking (namely, in-bound links). Both are important. For Yahoo and MSN, on-page is more important than it is for Google. Google relies more heavily on links than the other big two, though Yahoo and MSN also weight links heavily.In this case, I wanted to optimize the home page of the feline photos blog for the phrase “cat pictures”. This is how I normally do this:1. Make sure the domain name contains the keywords.2. Make the title of the page my exact keywords I am targeting, capitalized appropriately.3. Make the very first text on the page the keywords in an H1 (header) tag.4. Put an introductory paragraph that uses the keywords right after the H1 tag.5. If I have a lot of text on the page, break it up with H2 tags that contain variations of my keywords.Unfortunately, was not available, so I couldn’t do #1. Since competition for “cat pictures” was somewhat light, I knew that I could get by without worrying about it. But if you are targeting more competitive keywords, make sure that your domain name (or subdomain name) contains the exact phrase you want to rank for. This especially helps for MSN.Table Of ContentsIntroduction 4Anatomy Of A Successful Article 5What’s So Great About “Article Marketing” Anyway? 9Overview Of The “Article Domination Method” 13 - Step#1: Keyword Research 14 - Step#2: Choose Your Article Format: 3 Proven Types 22 - Step#3: 5 Quick, Creative Techniques To Get Article Content 24 - Step#4: How To Write A “Killer” Article Title 30 - Step#5: How To Write A Quality, Keyword Rich Article 31 - Step#6: How To Craft A Compelling Resource Box 40 - Step#7: Locate Article Submission Outlets 43 - Step#8: How To Efficiently Submit Your Articles 44 - Step#9: Step-by-Step Marketing Plan For Niche Domination 5133 Quality Article Directories You Can Submit To For FREE 54Summary 56Valuable Resources 57Internet Marketing Resources 63Make Money With This Book 65About The Author 67