Best of Google SEO 2023: SEO & Copywriting Made Simple & Fun

Best of Google SEO 2023: SEO & Copywriting Made Simple & Fun
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2023s Easy to Learn SEO & Copywriting Course made Fun! This SEO course is filled with quizzes, animated videos, assignments, screen recordings, and over my shoulder explanations! Watch as I walk you through everything you will need to know to become a SEO, and copywriting pro in 2023! Max SEO traffic & sales, boost search ranking, or land your dream marketing job! Learn Google SEO Fast & Fun! Animations with Quizzes & Practical Assignments - Ive made learning fun and organic - with animated explainers and 300+ Questions so you learn quickly and retain what you learn! Practical Screen Recordings with Step-by-step Explanations - Watch as I show you exactly how to do it - then immediately apply the knowledge. Plus, get proven success Blueprints you can follow - for every key topic I cover. Learn SEO - SEO fundamentals master guide and SEO strategies that get you found! Secret EO & social media optimisation strategy to max traffic, SEO key factors, and tools that will give you an edge, plus my SEO on-page guide. Learn 210 SEO Factors - Every aspect of the SEO game is covered, including voice SEO, video SEO, visual SEO & local SEO, plus, get valuable keyword insight so you can optimise all your content! Includes resources to quickly and easily master SEO rich snippets, & SEO images information. Learn the Psychology of Persuasion - Understand the 3 essential stages of the customer journey to purchase- and how to angle all your content to move prospects smoothly to the sale. This is the golden key to selling more and selling faster - and when you enrol, Ill share it with you. Learn Copywriting - Persuasive SEO Copywriting Techniques to hook potential customers fast, build trust and get to that sale! Pro content creation templates for every occasion from Twitter posts to Email newsletters, sales letters, and blogs. Learn Content Marketing - Learn how to get your content in front of the right people - and how to rev up its engagement rate - so you get more leads, sales, comments, & shares. Learn Content Creation - Content creation templates and guides for every type of e-commerce, marketing, and social media. Create high-performance email newsletters, Twitter & Facebook posts, Facebook Ads, Messenger Ads, LinkedIn Ads & moreLearn Outreach - SEO bloggers outreach technique, Easy-to-follow SEO PR link building Guide, plus templates for reaching out to influencers on social media. Become an Expert Content Creator With the Power to Persuade - Learn how to create high converting content that gets you more leads, subscribes, and sales with templates and walkthrough guides created by a copywriting proCareers & Freelancing Kickstart Guide - Discover how to start using your new skillset to make money. Land your first job in Digital Marketing or begin a thriving freelance business. Land Your Dream Job in Marketing - with our practical marketing careers guide. I show you how to land that first gig, break down your industry options, and give you guidance if you want to go it alone as a freelancer. SEO made Simple & Fun: Many people think SEO is too hard and not worth the effort. Thats not true. The basics of SEO are actually quite simple. And with 58% of all web traffic coming from Google, its certainly something worth learning about if you have a website. If you think the SEO fundamentals arent enough to get you ranked, think again. Most people running websites have a very limited understanding of SEO, so knowing the fundamentals can certainly help you succeed. What are the Benefits of SEO?SEO leads to more trafficSEO leads to consistent trafficSEO leads to free trafficSEO Helps You to Rank HigherBut you cant rank higher if Google doesnt even know your website exists in the first place. Getting your website indexed by search engines means youre in the race, not that youre likely to win. Thats where SEO comes in. SEO is an ongoing process that, if done well, increases your chances of winning over time. Its much easier to do SEO well when your website is properly set up for SEO success. Your customers, leads, and audience members want valuable content from your business. And that content needs to reach audience members in a way that feels natural and organic versus being disruptive. Content marketing helps businesses do this, and it describes the process of attracting, engaging with, and delighting your target markets. Copywriting Has Become One of the Most In-demand Skills of 2023In fact, copywriting jobs can pay upwards of $100k per year. Why? Every business can benefit from someone who writes great copy. From startups to Fortune 500s and everything in between, copywriting can make or break the success of an organisation. The truth of the matter is this; anyone can become a copywriter. You dont need a degree or specialised training to master this skill. So, whether youre looking to start a career as a freelance copywriter or just want to improve the copy for your own business, this guide will give you the blueprint for getting your feet wet with copywriting. Copywriting is the art of writing text