Chapter 2: Digital Publishing Formats and Their Capabilities Pariah Burke Author

Chapter 2: Digital Publishing Formats and Their Capabilities Pariah Burke Author
Brand: Pariah Burke
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Like devices, epubÂ-liÂ-caÂ-tion forÂ-mats are numerÂ-ous and varÂ-ied, with difÂ-ferÂ-ences, someÂ-times subÂ-tle, between them, but large diverÂ-gences in purÂ-pose, capaÂ-bilÂ-ity and device supÂ-port. Consequently, it’s most logÂ-iÂ-cal and proÂ-ducÂ-tive to think of epubÂ-liÂ-caÂ-tions in terms of forÂ-mat classes, with each class offerÂ-ing a parÂ-ticÂ-uÂ-lar comÂ-biÂ-naÂ-tion of purÂ-pose, capaÂ-bilÂ-ity, and device support.In this chapÂ-ter, you will learn about the folÂ-lowÂ-ing formats:Reflowable EPUBFixed-LayoutKindle FormatsPDF