Chapter 3: Digital Publication Types and Their Markets Pariah Burke Author

Chapter 3: Digital Publication Types and Their Markets Pariah Burke Author
Brand: Pariah Burke
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Now that we’ve examÂ-ined the charÂ-acÂ-terÂ-isÂ-tics and capaÂ-bilÂ-iÂ-ties of the availÂ-able digÂ-iÂ-tal pubÂ-liÂ-caÂ-tion forÂ-mats, it’s time to think about the kind of conÂ-tent you want to disÂ-semÂ-iÂ-nate digÂ-iÂ-tally. It’s all rather subÂ-jecÂ-tive, but I’ll idenÂ-tify the purÂ-pose, charÂ-acÂ-ter and use of difÂ-ferÂ-ent pubÂ-liÂ-caÂ-tion types as well as explain which forÂ-mat classes are best suited to each type.In this chapÂ-ter, you will learn about the folÂ-lowÂ-ing pubÂ-liÂ-caÂ-tion types:eBookFixed-Layout eBookEmagazineEnewspaperEtextbookDigital Comic Book