Chapter 4: The Facts, Figures, and Financials of ePublishing Pariah Burke Author

Chapter 4: The Facts, Figures, and Financials of ePublishing Pariah Burke Author
Brand: Pariah Burke
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Whether you are an aspirÂ-ing self-publisher or the CEO of a major pubÂ-lishÂ-ing house, a freeÂ-lance designer or sales perÂ-son, this chapÂ-ter will proÂ-vide staÂ-tisÂ-tics, figÂ-ures, and examÂ-ples to help you make sense of the busiÂ-ness, ecoÂ-nomic, and marÂ-ketÂ-ing conÂ-cerns of epubÂ-lishÂ-ing. Whether your intent is to sell yourÂ-self, your boss, or your clients, or if you just want to eduÂ-cate yourÂ-self about the realÂ-iÂ-ties of the world of epubÂ-lishÂ-ing, you’ll find in this chapÂ-ter an abunÂ-dance of imporÂ-tant, relÂ-eÂ-vant data.In this chapÂ-ter, you will learn about the following:People and Their Device UsageThe Business of eBooksThe Business of Children’s & Young Adult eBooksAuthors and Their IncomesThe Missing 30 Percent of DataSelf-PublishingThe Business of eTextbooksThe Business of eMagazinesEnewspaperEtextbookDigital Comic Book