Common Seo Mistakes: The Basics - 25 Basic Search Engine Optimization Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business Scott Gonnello Author

Common Seo Mistakes: The Basics - 25 Basic Search Engine Optimization Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business Scott Gonnello Author
Brand: Scott W. Gonnello
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Common SEO Mistakes: Basic Edition has 25 of the most basic common SEO mistakes that people make over and over again. It is easier to understand SEO by knowing what the mistakes are and avoiding them rather than learning SEO techniques that are no longer valid. SEO techniques are constantly changing and it can be dangerous to use techniques from an old book. What rarely changes in the SEO space are the mistakes! Common SEO Mistakes: Basic Edition is a compilation of the 25 Basic Search Engine Optimization Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business! This book is designed to help you understand the importance of avoiding SEO mistakes. Search Engine Optimization is a tricky subject and I decided to take a different approach with this book than a lot of the books that are out there. This is because sometimes you need to know what you are doing wrong first before you can understand how to fix it. The challenge with a lot of the SEO books is they try to teach you what SEO is and then let you go and do it. For many this can help them up to a certain level and then hurt them as time goes on. This is because SEO is always changing so the good techniques that are learned from a book that was written a month ago could be bad techniques today. However, the one thing that rarely changes are the SEO Mistakes. This book came about because I am always answering questions from clients, prospective clients, colleagues and friends. I felt like I was constantly repeating myself because over time the same answers kept coming up. Clearly there are a lot of common SEO mistakes out there that need to be addressed. I set out to write them down and today am still writing because I continually see new mistakes taking shape. This will be a never ending battle because of the way the search engines work. As the public gets close to deciphering the algorithms it becomes easier and easier to get on the top search results pages. The search engines want to make it more difficult thus keeping the people off that have figured it out but probably don’t deserve to be there. I now have a database of SEO mistakes that will ensure our clients are constantly moving forward as well as, a website to back up the mistakes by showing clients how to avoid them. This has helped us evolve into a SEO consulting company that offers services to our clients, clients that hire us to teach or coach them about SEO, partners around the world, SEO start-up companies, companies that want to do their SEO in-house and other many other business scenarios. The one thing I like most about SEO is that the techniques will never be the same for a long period of time. This means we have to constantly research, test, monitor and modify again and again. We work with clients from all around the world so we get to throw different local search results into the mix as well. This helps us see trends and utilize them throughout different parts of the world. I truly believe that SEO is the center of the business universe. When a company does SEO effectively it has a positive effect on every part of the company. More calls come in which leads to more people coming into the store or office which leads to more sales and that leads to increased business and profits, the need for more employees, larger space and so on. This book is quick and easy to read. I don’t want to get too technical and put you to sleep so it is written the way I like to learn – give me the important information and then get out of my way! The content is to the point and easy to understand. If for some reason you have trouble grasping some of the concepts there are ways to contact us so we can explain it in a different way – see the final section of this book.