Content Marketing Made Simple Jack Allen Author

Content Marketing Made Simple Jack Allen Author
Brand: Jack Allen
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Content is King for one very good reason. Over one and a half BILLION websites and innumerable web pages exist. Each competes for user attention against every other web page or product out there. Competition is relentless, and it happens every minute of every single day.Retailers compete against affiliates. Products compete against services. Low prices undercut profits. Genuine advantages in terms of product exclusivity are rare, and favorable affiliate deals face fierce competition almost as soon as they release to the public.SEO, as a standalone method, just stinks. We have little alternative but to find more convenient, more enticing, more controllable user acquisition methods. Those methods need to put our products and services in view of potential new users and buyers.New websites, new pages, new topics, new approaches, are added constantly. The sheer quantity of new information must be staggering. Did you ever stop to wonder how all that competing content generates? How does that vast amount of, apparently new, material arise? Is it some magical method? Is it a discovery the online world forgot to tell you about, or is the truth much simpler than that?Time-honored, research and writing techniques let almost anybody generate unique website content but websites, like writers, struggle for recognition when nobody knows they exist.Letting the wider Internet community know your website or product exists is what content marketing is about. Let’s face it; the sheer number of alternative web pages and products is immense. Exclusive reliance on a lucky dip lottery SEO approach would likely produce ulcers long before wealth.Content Marketing Made Simple by Jack Allen pulls no punches, and is ideal reading for:Content creators,Marketing managers,Website owners,Article writers,E-book publishers,Sales professionals,Bloggers,Freelance writers,Online entrepreneurs,Copywriters,Joint venture specialists,Affiliate marketers,Product advertisers,E-mail list builders,Plus anybody else who needs easy to implement content creation and marketing methods.Jack Allen tells it like it is. In the process, he lifts the Internet lid and wedges it wide open for all to see. He shows web masters how to reclaim control over online lives whilst revealing the, often unspoken, intricacies of content marketing.Select a strategy, apply motivation, and viral marketing might be just one small step taken along the way.