Content Revolution: Communicate What You Stand For by Telling a Better Story Mark Masters Author

Content Revolution: Communicate What You Stand For by Telling a Better Story Mark Masters Author
Brand: LID Publishing
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Marketing has changed more in the past 20 years than any other business discipline. So why are we relying on the same-old textbooks? Why do business owners still think that shouting louder than the competition, is the answer to longevity? The old marketing way is dead, where we were encouraged to spend more on advertising and to be seen. Marketing was about interrupting the masses, but times have changed. The only differentiator we have, as businesses are the stories that we tell. This isn’t a book based on old theories, creating marketing plans, Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs and looking at the ‘4 Ps.’ It’s all about a new way of thinking—one based on the content—that is more emotional and becoming more useful to others (and solving their problems) to create profitable action. Featuring exclusive interviews from leading content marketing pioneers from around the globe such as Joe Pulizzi, Chris Brogan, Ann Handley, Robert Rose and Jay Baer, this book introduces a brand new marketing vocabulary.