Indie game developers are facing a discoverability crisis: there’s so many games out there. Too many games, perhaps! Marketing your game is one of the biggest thorns in game devs’ sides, especially with so many more games out there now. But fear not: you have a fighting chance against the indiepocalypse by harnessing the power of content marketing and forming a solid content strategy that will keep attracting people to your game long after you post it! Content is king and you’re going to learn why it’s the future of selling indie games and growing a fanbase. This webinar is appropriate for all technical proficiency levels, no marketing knowledge or game development experience is necessary! If you’re not in games but in another creative profession that involves world-building such as a novelist or filmmaker, you may also find this content marketing and content strategy webinar helpful. The following topics will be covered: SEO basicsHow and why content marketing worksForming a content strategy using both data and intuitionDifferent types of content and their attributesHow to give your audience what they really wantGathering a fanbase in and outside of gaming circlesAnd much more! Anythingfrom blog posts to videos to photography and VR experiences can be used to draw people into your game world and genuinely become interested in your work. This is no small feat inwhat’s a very noisy world we have today. Learn how you can harness the power of content strategy so that you can hop to your success today, so you can chill on your pad tomorrow!