Create a business website in 20 minutes with html and Css

Create a business website in 20 minutes with html and Css
19.99 USD
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Hi Guys! WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS WEB DESIGNThis course is divided in 4 Sections, the content of every video is explained below: First Section: Header- Create a Background image with dark opacity with linear gradient- Add a Logo image on the top left corner- Add a menu navbar with 3 Links that go to each sections- Create a transition for the menu navbar with cubic Bezier- Add a Title and subtitle to the middle of the containerSecond Section: Services- Create a Grid Section with 4 Boxes with images and Titles- Display hidden text when you hover on each Service box with the transition property. Third Section: Testimonials- Create a Grid Section of 3 Boxes that include text, quote icons, and Images- Create a transition of a shadow when you hover on each box. Fourth Section: Contact- Create a minimalist Contact section at the bottom with 2 dividers and 3 Info blocks- Add Info and Social media icons. THIS COURSE IS AIM TO BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMMERS, WEB DESIGNER, WEB DEVELOPERS. The template is completely responsive. All the code is made under the html File including the Css Code. Not JS used. Only external Icons script \\\\Zip file is attached at the end of the course////////////////////