Create an effective profile on LinkedIn to achieve your goals: The keys to stand out and be visible David Martinez Calduch Author

Create an effective profile on LinkedIn to achieve your goals: The keys to stand out and be visible David Martinez Calduch Author
Brand: CreateSpace Publishing
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David Martinez Calduch, is specialized in the professional use of LinkedIn for professionals and companies. Creating Profiles for Managers and Company Projects, Content Marketing, Talent, ADs and Employer Branding in LinkedIn. To create this useful and practical work, David has turned his knowledge and experience gained over the years into a work of art. LinkedIn’s Profile is the first step, where we lay the foundations to reach our objectives. People think that the profile is as easy as copying and pasting the Curriculum Vitae, or filling in the fields requested by LinkedIn, nothing could be further from the truth!!, if we seek to achieve our goals. In this practical book, you will learn how to create your profile and design your own strategy step by step. It contains examples in each section, such as creating multimedia content, developing an excerpt that attracts attention, examples of the most common errors and how to solve them. It contains more than 230 practical pages, where you will learn how to do it yourself step by step, creating and improving your profile in a professional way. If you want to know more about David Martinez Calduch visit To see the whole series visit