Customer Centric Marketing Know, Woo & Win Your Audience

Customer Centric Marketing Know, Woo & Win Your Audience
24.99 USD
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Marketing is an essential part of growth for any business. You can have the best product or service but if people don’t know about it, you’d never scale; but then, marketing as we know it has evolved. With the digitalization, customers are now more informed and thus only gravitate towards brands that speak their language. The only businesses that survive in this age are those whose marketing strategies are built on and for the customers. This class is designed to teach entrepreneurs and marketers how to focus their marketing strategies on their target audience. Youd learn how to identify your ideal customer, how to woo them with the right content and how to convert them into paying customers. No prior knowledge or experience is needed to take this class. Id be starting with the basic concepts and slowly work you through the more complex areas. If you want to see more results from your marketing strategies, then this course is for you, regardless of your experience level.