Easy ASP .Net Web Form for beginners Html, CSS, SQL ADO .Net

Easy ASP .Net Web Form for beginners Html, CSS, SQL ADO .Net
19.99 USD
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Hi There! With my 23 years programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you. SoIf you try you will be a Pro website designer! If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial that teach web design with real project in simplest way! If you want really to be a programmer so it’s best place that you can start to learn Asp.net. This course includes: Start using C# and ASP.Net web forms with Visual Studio 2019 2022 From ScratchMultiple real world projects to learn web designLearn both Html & ASP.Net Web formHtml inspector to learn design of websitesCSS styles: inline, internal & stylesheetMasterPage to design pro websitesDesign main menu, header & footerResponsive web page with flexUsing SQL in ASP.net websiteSearching SQL data in websiteUsing Cookie, Session & Query StringAmazing CardView staff list websiteDebugging and PostBackAjax in ASP .NetASP controls: GridView, Label, TextboxHtml tags like: table, p, span, headings. Using image in htmlPadding and margin in html cssUsing the headings in html: H1, H2 H6and Don’t hesitate to start learning Web design by C#, Asp.net, Html, CSS, Flex and SQL! Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of tips and tricks within my course. Say Hi Asp.net world and let’s go!