Email Marketing Revolution

Email Marketing Revolution
119.99 USD
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Email marketing is not for thefaint of heart. Whether mobile devices and wearables are redefining email design, inbox providers are redefining engagement and deliverability are redefining personalization and targetingthe channel is constantly evolving. Content marketing is currently one of the biggest trends in digital marketing as a whole and is an area that many website owners and brands are investing in heavily right now, thanks to the impressive returns that they are seeing. While there is no such thing as a magic bullet when it comes to getting your brand known and encouraging sales, content marketing is perhaps the closest thing to such a notion and can help you to drastically increase your visibility as well as your authority and trust. Content marketing doesnt only ensure greater loyalty and give you a big audience to sell to though: it also gives you more impact and authority. Think about your favorite celebrity. Someone that you really look up to, whose work you admire and who you think has got their life up together. Imagine if they recommended a certain item of clothing, or a certain health supplement. Would you be more likely to buy it?The answer for the general population is a resounding yes. Thats means, you’ll be able to see things like. More impact and authorityBuild that kind of trust and authority directlyInstead of working with an authority, you are going to become that authorityEverything you release will become a hit, because of the groundwork you put in at the startYour sites will be filled with fans not just readersEnsure that the work you put in now keeps on paying dividends long into the futureCompletely transform your successBuild immense authority and a huge list of readersCreate something that is much bigger than a simple brandYou become a movement. And thats how you achieve the maximum measure of successWhat are the requirements?The Passion to learn. Computer with an internet connection. Email Marketing Basics. What am I going to get from this course?The art of targeting and segmentationEmail program MangementGrow and organize your Email listesEmail designing Email deliverability strategiesFunnel creationDrip Marketing