*Get results with Flash 5-today *Learn from real-world examples and a live Web site *Hot new Flash 5 techniques: MP3 support, ActionScripting, and much more *By a top Web pro whose clients include DeBeers, Pfizer, and Lloyds of London *Endorsed by WOW (The World Organization of Web Masters) With Flash 5s slick, fast-loading vector graphics and animation, you can build sites as hot as your imagination Now, learn Flash 5 in a flash from a professional Web designer-through real-world projects you can view live on a linked Web site. Start with the basics, then master every key technique: from animation through navigation, interactivity through building a complete opening sequence. Along the way, youll discover how to make the most of Flash 5s hottest features: from MP3 support to ActionScripting Best of all, the projects are linked to a live Web site where you can see (and download) each Flash effect, in each stage of completion. Its all the guidance youll need-every step of the way Youll learn all this and much more *Master the revamped Flash 5 interface: timeline, tabbed panels, and more *Flash fundamentals: text, shape, fills, transparency, and imported graphics *Animation: ti