Facebook Marketing - How I Reach 2,000,000 People Weekly

Facebook Marketing - How I Reach 2,000,000 People Weekly
Categories: Facebook Marketing
189.99 USD
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Many people create Facebook pages for their business, but they arent sure what content to post in order to get the most interaction from their audience. And they also struggle with attracting new followers consistently. The right Facebook marketing plan can help you grow any business by proving that you have the products and/or services that people not only want, but also need. This course is designed to answer all of your questions and show you how to reach millions of people each week. Youll learn how to use Facebook to drive more traffic to your website and increase conversions. Use Facebook’s Advertising Tools in the Most Effective & Efficient Manner Throughout this course, youll gain access to free Facebook marketing methods that most digital marketers dont know about and dont want to share with you. Youll learn how to create consistent engagement with followers on your Facebook page, and how to advertise your business on Facebook to help it grow. Course Content After a brief introduction into this course and its instructor, youll dive right into how to set up your first Facebook page. Youll cover everything from choosing the right name that will truly stand out, to adding the right profile photo and cover image to make the biggest impact. Youll even learn how to add tabs to your other social media channels. Next, youll discover how to find high quality, viral content to post, including videos and links, and youll learn how to schedule your posts for the best results. When ready, youll move on to effective marketing strategies that will get your Facebook page in front of as many people as possible. Youll learn how to get your first 1,000 likes quickly, as well as how to use Facebook Groups and Events to your advantage. Because Facebook offers its own set of marketing tools, youll cover how to create an effective ad with your target audience in mind. Youll then learn how to run, test, and tweak your ads to always get the results you want. By the time you complete this course, youll have all of the tools and techniques necessary to achieve incredible results on Facebook. Youll be able to use this hugely popular social media site to build and expand your business.