FacebookLeaks A-Z: Hands-On Facebook Ads & Marketing Course

FacebookLeaks A-Z: Hands-On Facebook Ads & Marketing Course
Categories: Facebook Marketing
19.99 USD
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YOUR SUCCESS MEANS MY COURSE REACHED ITS GOALNote: You dont have to spend any advertisement money to finish this course. My goal and mission for this course is to teach you everything relevant to succeed in running advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. Specifically; a positive return on investment. In this masterclass, you will learn everything you need to know about Facebook Ads and Marketing. From A to Z.FROMZEROTOHEROWe will start this course at 0. So even if you are a complete beginner, you wont be lost. After setting up your account and going through all the basics, we will dive into deeper waters. If you consider yourself an intermediate, you will get lots of new insights and learn the best practices that I have gained through years of working with these tools. Experience, I fully want to share with you now. THESTRUCTUREClear defined topics and focused on learning objectivesComplete setup guide: Detailed introduction for beginnersHands-on approach: Five real world challenges which you will solveMeasure success: Complete section about finding and understanding Ad metricsFinding real purpose: Meet demand & create “the right"creativesThis course is not an audiobook. You will learn, you will get challenged and you will create. The philosophy behind this course is learning by doing. 1:1 you will follow my steps through the course and learn hands-on how to successfully create and run your own ads on Facebook. Why learn boring theory when there are fun and engaging gamification? In this course, you will be assigned to a new job. Starting at section seven, you will be the new marketing manager for The Umbrella Corporation. A corporation ranging from electric cars to movie production. Across the sections, you will receive different assignments with different worldly challenges that you will solve, meanwhile learning everything about Facebook as a marketing tool to reach your goals. WHYISTHISCOURSERELEVANT TODAY?Facebook knows a lot about you (and me).For responsible owners, creators and advertisers, not knowing and understanding how marketing and advertising on Facebook works, means many (!) lost opportunities. Why? Using Facebook as a marketing channel means receiving access to all of this collected and categorised data in return. Target people whose birthday is in February, are using an iPhone, are in a relationship, have a dog or like Kickstarter, Sushi and Pizza. You can even target people with same interests as your existing customers. The possibilities to narrow down and define your audience are nearly endless. It doesnt take any talent to successfully apply this course. All it takes is some time and your commitment to work through it. Facebook Marketing and Advertising is relevant now. Dont miss great opportunities.