Full Stack Bootcamp Series - Develop About Page [PART 1]

Full Stack Bootcamp Series - Develop About Page [PART 1]
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Welcome to PART 1 of the Full Stack Development course series. This is a beginner friendly course. Learn Full Stack Development by building a website for an imaginary pastry shop. This is the first part of the Full Stack Development course series. The following is the summary of what you will learn in this course: You will learn to build the about page of the pastry shop website. As part of building this website, you will learn: To create HTML web page. Style the web page using CSS. Make the page look good in desktop and mobile using Bootstrap. Publish the code to GitHub. Deploy the code in AWS. Learn basics of HTTP Protocol. In HTML, you will learn about DOCTYPE, html, body, heading, title, meta, charset, favicon, image, alt attribute, div and nav. In CSS, you will learn Inline style, external style, element selector, class selector, color, background color, padding, border, margin, box model, text align, font family, font weight, font size, height, width, layout, flex and flex wrap. In Bootstrap, you will learn Responsive Web Design, View Port, applying Bootstrap styles, customize Bootstrap styles, headings, container, understand grid system and device classification to make the web page responsive. In GitHub, you will learn creation of repository, initializing the repository, staging files, commit and pushing the code. In AWS, you will about creation of EC2 instance with Ubuntu Linux operating system, you will connect to the EC2 instance using SSH, then using SSH commands like pwd, ls, scp, cp, apt and service commands you will deploy the web page in Apache HTTP Web Server.