Hand Over Fist Money Makers Dawn Publishing Editor

Hand Over Fist Money Makers Dawn Publishing Editor
Brand: Dawn Publishing
1.49 USD
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Dear Friend,You absolutely know that there is much importance placed on having your own product if you want to succeed BIG time… and earn BIG bucks in this industry.One of the absolute advantages of having your own Information Product is that you are able to bring in your earnings instantly rather than wait for somebody else to pay you your affiliate checks, and only a very small percentage of the sale on top of that.Additionally if you have your own product you are able to have FULL rights and FULL flexibility, giving you the license to decide your own profit potential and what you will do with the product.Which is perfect, of course, be cause besides all of this you may also brand yourself in the process.If you choose to, you can even publish the products offline, too, simply by converting the E-Books into hard copy paperbacks - which will blow up your income further.And Here Are Even More Reasons Why You Should Have Your Very Own Info Product… You can promote more than one thing of your choice from your own Info Product, like a One Time Offer, back-end offers, and affiliate links within the product. Because you own the full rights to your own E-Book, you can offer a special report version and either charge a smaller price for those who can’t afford a larger investment, or even give it away as a bonus and build your opt-in mailing list. You may as well offer the product in your own paid membership site or as a bonus to another product you are promoting. You may as well bring in more cash by selling the Resell Rights or Private Label Rights to your product, And so much more! These are some suggestions but you get the idea.As you can see, having your own Info Product or line of Info Product is one of the Smartest choices you can ever make in your Marketing career!But There’s An Issue…… and you’ll recognize it as product development or product creation.However, selling your own Info Product is too lucrative to pass up just because this sounds scary.So let’s evaluate what your options are:Option #1: Author Your Own E-Book(s)You know that coming up with your own Info Product requires crazy amounts of writing skill, expertise, niche marketing research, and knowledge on your part.And if you don’t have all this or you absolutely detest it, you will do well to skip this option.Option #2: Employ A GhostwriterPeople think this is the secret weapon of gurus. Employing ghostwriters may be one of your best options… only if you can foot the bill.And if you don’t have at least a few hundred bucks lying around to trust someone else to do the writing for you, you will have to skip this option too.Option #3: Buy PLR To Assemble ProductThis can be a good and fast way to have instant product to resell and pocket 100% of the profits. The downside, however, is that you don’t own the product.In other words, you can only do so much with the product as the ultimate copyright holder is the product author.And If None Of The First 3 Options Work For You, Then…… may I suggest that you drop your product development worries and get your hands on… One Fresh, Smoking Hot Info Product - All Targeted At Hungry Niches - Complete With No Restriction Private Label Rights!Yes, you heard me right.Different than most product out there where product authors are offering limited rights to their Private Label Rights, I am offering you absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS on how you use the Info Product.In a real essence, YOU can do anything you want with them - the sky is the limit!Table Of ContentsChapter 1:FreelanceChapter 2:Life CoachingChapter 3:Virtual AssistantChapter 4:BloggingChapter 5:Niche SelectionChapter 6:Affiliate MarketingWrapping Up