Hitting The Search Engines Peter Clark Author

Hitting The Search Engines Peter Clark Author
Brand: Mike Morley
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How an internet web master built FIVE high-traffic sites in six months using nothing but search engine listings. This is going to freak you out. Over the last few months, I’ve watched a good friend of mine build successful web sites entirely from search engine traffic. But although he was happy to show me how he did it, he didn’t want to spill the beans to anyone else. It drove me crazy. Imagine being in my position as an author of Internet Marketing materials. He’d shown me exactly how he’d built some serious traffic, produced statistics proving it had worked and I couldn’t pass on this valuable information to my customers or subscribers. But I wasn’t going to give up… After a series of meetings with him he finally caved in. Now, for the first time ever, his exact system has been fully documented in a concise, easy to read, plain English, ten-page report. A harsh fact about books on search engine strategy… Most ebooks and reports on ‘search engine strategy’ are utter junk. Many of them are nothing more than a bunch of out-dated ideas and information you can get for free if you look around a little. And many of them are obviously written by people who have little experience of getting a site ranked - obvious because their own site isn’t. Peter has proven his system FIVE times over, and has techniques that are all safe, all legitimate, and some that you won’t have seen in print before. Just a tiny sample of what’s in this amazing report… How to use Overture to boost your rankings without paying a penny in pay-per-click fees. One type of heading you should always use (and six that you shouldn’t). How to safely cross link for maximum benefit (and this method won’t get you banned). How and where to submit your site so it takes minimum time but gives maximum exposure. One method no one ever thinks of that’s been responsible for some MAJOR traffic. I’ve not seen this in any other book or report on the subject. This one technique alone is easily worth the tiny price of the report. Forget what you already know about keyword density. This report tells you what you need to know and makes it easy. What’s amazing to me is how others try to fill hundreds of pages with so called strategy. Peter has summarized his entire formula into just TEN pages. You can read this in less than twenty minutes and start putting it into effect right away. Remember… All of the methods given here are 100% legitimate. You WILL NOT get banned for using these methods. Peter has proven this system five times over with different web sites on different subjects. None of the ideas need expensive software or tools. You don’t need to have any prior experience with search engines. You don’t need to be an expert at HTML. This report won’t take you weeks to wade through and leave you with dozens of unanswered questions. But we haven’t got to the best part yet… How much is a good search engine ranking worth to you? How many more orders and enquires would it bring? How ever you look at it, a good search engine listing is great advertising and although Peter could have easily insisted this report was sold for hundreds of dollars - you’re going to get it for less than the cost of a small classified in a tiny e-zine.