How To Succeed With Your Own Blog My App Builder Author

How To Succeed With Your Own Blog My App Builder Author
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Here are few paragraphs from the book,Do you know what a blog is? It’s a journal which is made available on the Internet. Blogs are updated regularly and the process of updating the blog is known as blogging.Another term for the person doing and updating the blog is the blogger. These blogs are typically updated regularly and daily with the use of software, which allows people who have background, or not.Blogging has come a long way in keeping up journals and other purposes. Not only does it help in personal use but also applied now in expanding Internet business and increasing promotion of the web sites.There are several types of blogs:• Personal blog – this is the most famous type of blog used in some of the friendly hub in the net. This is defined as the online diary or journal, where you can post your poem and other literature piece.• Cultural blog – it discusses all about music, arts, theater and other popular culture.• Topic blog – it focuses on the function like some of the search engines present now. Some writers who want to write about something unknown can use it.• Business blog – this talk about the stock market and other business related topics. It is also use to promote businesses, to talk about economics in forum type and manage information.• Science blog – it is the mode used to disseminate information and data. However, scientists only use this mode for simple scientific data and information because they believe that it could damage the credibility of their science as many people can read it.• Moblog – it contains all the information from a mobile phone.• Collaborative blog – this kind of blog is written by two or more writers. Particular site is open for all the writers to write together with others.• Eclectic blog – it focuses on niches individually or collaboratively made.• Educational blog – this is used by students to record the things they learned from their teacher including the activities done in a day.