How to Write High Response Sales Letters Dawn Publishing Editor

How to Write High Response Sales Letters Dawn Publishing Editor
Brand: Dawn Publishing
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Learn To Write High Response Sales Letters In Just 25 Minutes With Quick And Easy Steps That Work Every Single Time - Even If You’ve Never Written One Before!Dear Friend:I was talking to a good friend of mine last week. He just got into online marketing maybe two weeks ago, in contrast to my seventh anniversary edging ever closer. He pays close attention to what others are doing, so I’m always happy to answer his questions. Anyway, during that conversation he asked me probably the most important question he could have asked that immediately told me that he’s going places, and fast.This is what he said to me…Do you know if there’s something I should be working on, a skill I should start developing right now that will help my business grow Quickly? What’s the most important job an online marketer can learn to do will?The answer was simpleLearn to write sales copy I told him. Why? Because if you can’t write sales copy, it doesn’t just affect your sales, it affects your lead generation, the response to your ads, your resource building, your profits, the quality of your products, everything.There was a short silence..And then the reply came That’s a problem, you know that I dropped out of school at 17 and can’t afford to pay a copywriter $3,000+ for a sales letter every time I want to sell a product or send out an ad. I really don’t have a chance do I? He said in a disappointed manner.More chance than you think I said…Fast forward 30 minutes and from not knowing where to start, from having never written a sales letter before, he left that conversation with a sales letter that continues to sell products at one sale to every 75 visits for his premium product (that’s even before any tracking and testing on his part, there’s no doubt in my mind it’ll improve).It will take 30 minutes of your time, and you’ll come out the other end of this knowing how to write high response sales letters again and again. All you have to do is follow a simple formula.Here’s exactly what I showed him…Proven power packed sales letter techniques easily & quickly emulatedOver a decade of tracking, testing and experience at your disposal. Since I started in online marketing, I’ve written, tested, critiqued and torn to pieces many hundreds if not thousands of sales letters out there. My experience is now yours.A proven track record that has seen visitor to sales ratios rise by over twenty five times since the beginning of my online marketing career. You could test and track all of this yourself if you like, but of course, that takes time. But why expend all that effort when I’ve done most of the work for you?Step by step sales letter creation. I’m not just going to give you a bunch of examples here and say copy this and your stuff will sell. Instead, I’m going to define a set of rules for you that will take you right from the very first word, to the last letter. No need to flail blindly in the dark anymore. I take you through each step to, by the end of the manual, completion of a power-packed, proven to sell sales letter.It works for everything. You know, I started out developing these methods before I even started in online marketing, selling computers offline. You don’t have to be selling a how to make money product to take advantage of this. In fact, if you’re not selling such a product, you’ll soon be giggling at the competition who have poor sales processes, or even no sales letter at all, which is extremely apparent outside of the make money niche. This is your chance to get ahead before they realize what’s going on.Snap your readers out of their daily grind trance with attention grabbing headlines then slowly ease them into your sales letter with a hypnotic introduction, flowing right into the sale of your pro cut. We cover proven sales letter techniques from start to finish. No special skills required. If you can read and write english, you can do this.Writers block solved in a split second. Never again be stuck for something to write, or have trouble getting started on what is the most important piece of your business. One simple method that allows words to flow right onto the page will save you from any more frustrating blanks that come with standard copy writing territory.How to give your headlines meaning. Any part of your marketing material is useless unless it really means something to the reader or listener. Learn not only how to create meaning in your marketing material, but how to have your audience immediately visualize what you’re saying, drastically reducing the chances of them leaving or being distracted. (Responsible for doubling the sales of my last product)2 ways to grab the attention of your audience that will not only have them sticking around for longer, but wanting even more