How You Can Create a Successful Online Presence

How You Can Create a Successful Online Presence
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UPDATEDFOR2019-2020 Do you have what it takes to be a successful Internet entrepreneur? Take the Entrepreneur Test and find out. How do you create a successful online presence be it a website or blog?You can create a website that works for you, that will draw new clients, new members and new visitors that will want your service and/or products and I can show you how. There are a lot of web sites out there, millions on the Internet. That is a huge number of websites for people to sift through to find yours! Most people searching on the Internet will look at the top ten to twenty listings rarely farther then that unless what they are seeking is not in the top ten results from a search engine. If the home page of your web site does not capture their attention in the first few seconds, they will move on. If your web site does not have a professional look, they will move on. If your web site is not easy to navigate they will move on. This course includes all you need to know to take an idea and create a successful Internet presence, from conception to success! Through video lectures, assignments and checklists you are given all the tools you will need to get off to a successful start and to build on that success. This course is most appropriate for someone who is thinking about building a website to just build a website on the Internet.I cover where to go to find a domain name andthen register it. What is the best hosting company for your web presence? Do you want to use a site builder, wordpress or on your own to create your online presence? What about your web presence design? How can you make your online presence interactive? How can you get online and offline leads? All of this and more. Ileave no stone unturned toprovide you will all you need to create a successful online presence. Take a look at the course goals and sign upnow! UPDATEDFOR2019-2020 Twenty new videos added on the following topics: Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply Internet Marketing Video Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Internet Marketing in 2019-20, on behalf of your business. Im very excited to have you here, and I know that this will be very helpful for you. This Exclusive Video Training Will Show You Step-By-Step, Topic By Topic, And Tool By Tool, What You Need To Know To Dominate Internet Marketing, In The Easiest Way Possible, Using The Most Effective Tools And In The Shortest Time Ever. This Video Training Is Comprised Of 20 HD Training Videos, Ready To Show You The Latest Internet Marketing Strategies Through 2019-20.This Is Exactly What You Are Going To Learn: Video 1: What is Internet Marketing in 2019-20 All About?Video 2: Optimizing Your Website For Search Engines In 2019-20Video 3: Creating Blog Posts That Attract Organic Traffic In 2019-20Video 4: How To Get Your YouTube Marketing Videos On The First Page Of Search Results In 2019-20Video 5: How To Compose Killer Social Media Marketing Posts In 2019-20Video 6: Amplifying Your Reach With A Paid Facebook Marketing Campaign In 2019-20Video 7: Generating Qualified Website Traffic With A Google Ads Campaign In 2019-20Video 8: How To Create A Powerful Email Marketing Campaign In 2019-20Video 9: Recovering Abandoning Visitors With Remarketing In 2019-20Video 10: Generating More Sales Leads On Autopilot With A Facebook Messenger Bot In 2019-20Video 11: How To Funnel More Qualified Leads And Referral Traffic To All Your Marketing Channels With A GiveawayVideo 12: Building A Complete Internet Marketing Plan For 2019-20Video 13: Alternative Internet Marketing Methods That Make Instant Money In 2019-20Video 14: Internet Marketing Strategies For eCommerce Enthusiasts In 2019-20Video 15: Internet Marketing Best Practices In 2019-20Video 16: Advanced Internet Marketing Tips and Tricks That Work In 2019-20Video 17: Internet Marketing Do’s And Donts in 2019-20Video 18: Internet Marketing Premium Tools And Services To Consider in 2019-20Video 19: Internet Marketing Shocking Case Studies in 2019-20Video 20: Internet Marketing Frequently Asked Questions in 2019-20Well, Its Time For You To Start Getting The Most Out Of Internet Marketing In 2019-20, On Behalf Of Your Business.I know you’ll love this new section!