HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily.

HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily.
44.99 USD
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Thought building website with HTML and CSS is hard? Its not what you think, it’s easy, and Im going to show you how! In this tutorial, we’ll build 5 projects and break them down step-by-step to see exactly how they are made. By the end, you’ll walk away a little bit more confident and a lot more prepared with some great practices you can apply immediately to build amazing websites for online with HTML and CSS. You can start your new career in web design today by learning HTML & CSS with the expert secrets most tutors are hiding from you. After helping many beginner web designers to solve many of their challenges, I have realized many of them learnt with tutorials or courses that over-complicate everything because they want to cram all possible HTML and CSS tags, properties and values into their head and this act has resulted in students being confused or students not knowing how to go about solving their web design challenges when they are stuck or end up not knowing how to build real-world websites. And the hope of many students or learners to start a career in web design has been shattered because they are stuck or confused and they cannot continue with the tutorials or courses they have at hand. Don’t be stuck; be unstoppable. You don’t have to be stuck and slow down your learning and career progress in HTML & CSS (web design) in the process as a result of tutors’ fault. That is why this course - HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily - is launched to help you and others who want to launch a career in web design by learning HTML and CSS to be unstoppable. This “HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily” course addresses three major strong points:1. How to think and design web pages by example 2. How to be unstoppable by HTML and CSS (web design) challenges. That is, the course teaches how to go about solving HTML & CSS (web design ) challenges most beginner web designers always face.3. How to easily update your knowledge independent of any tutor. These are the basic qualities every software developers or any problem solvers on Earth should have. This course is designed specifically to equip you with those qualities easily. You don’t need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time and this course “HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily” . Many tutors are proud to have taught a lot of people HTML and CSS, but I am proud to have taught a lot of people HTML and CSS and how they can go beyond all have taught them. That is important in the tech industry in the real world because things are changing very rapidly and those who can learn fast and those who are unstoppable win. You cannot stop a winner. This course does not assume any prior experience. We go back to the absolute beginning and teach you everything by example. By the end of the course, you will have created five websites/webpages and acquire expert secrets directly or indirectly to prepare you for the real world. By example, this course will guide you to build several mini-websites from scratch with the two most important languages for web design and you will learn everything quickly and easily. Below is an introduction to all that you will learn in the course: HTML5 and its featuresHTML5 tags structuresHTML5 tag attributesHTML5 Parent/Child StructureHTML tags exampleCSS3 and its featuresCSS3 selectors and their usesCSS properties and their valuesExpert secretsVisual studio code setup and folder creation and structureThe first project (blog page) with HTML and CSSThe second project (card) with HTML & CSSThe third project (YouTube card) with HTML and CSSFourth project ( simple and complex tables) with HTML & CSSFifth project (a complete landing page) with CSS and HTMLAnd many more.I don’t want to bore you will too much information here as you will experience everything first hand in the course through practice. So, do you still want to learn web design using html5 and CSS3?Do you want to be unstoppable and a winner?You are the only one that can stop yourself from the progress you are seeking at this point in time. Join this course now or do nothing to remain the same. What are you waiting for?Join now; I am waiting for you.