Websites are an online visual sales and marketing tool used to communicate with people around the world with information about you, your company, your products and/or services, and more. The design should match a companys print materials such as brochures, catalogs, direct mailers, etc. so the overall brand is cohesive and uniform, but the website should also stand out from its competitors. Website design isnt about picking random colors, fonts and images and throwing them online hoping to gain traffic, increase business and sales. There is a process for designing how a website should look from the front-end (pretty side) users will see when they land on your site. Professional designers dont just wing-it or settle on the first design because theres a lot of hidden things you dont see that are involved in the process, but Stacy wants to teach you that. In this course, Stacy will take you through her step-by-step process for learning the pretty side of website design with 13 hours of instructional videos using fonts, colors, images, layout, and more. Everything is broken down into digestible material that builds on the previous lesson. This course requires no graphic design software or coding languages. Just pen and paper for taking notes. Stop, rewind and play back any video if you need to review the material.