Master CSS: Design Responsive & Modern Websites With CSS

Master CSS: Design Responsive & Modern Websites With CSS
29.99 USD
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This course is designed to make you a top-notch and world class standardized web designer with HTML and CSS as your tool. If you want to be a mobile-first website designer, then this course is for you. With the skills you will gather from this course, you can proudly create any web site design from start to finish. It is an assurance because this CSS course is modern, precise, well explained and well structured. In this course you will also get a free access to my free HTML course shared at the end of this course just in case you are new to HTML or you want to brush up your HTML skills. This is a detailed course showing you step by step patterns, hence this is a premium CSS course. I dont just want you to watch. I encourage you to code along. What you will learn. You will thoroughly learn how to create equal and unequal columns using both the float and inline-block property. You will learn how to create image gallery and video gallery with columnsYou will thoroughly learn how to work with 2D and 3D transforms, transitions and animationsYou will thoroughly learn how to make shapes with clip path propertyYou will thoroughly learn how to use the CSS Media (@media) Query to make your web design mobile friendly and responsive. This means mobile-first approach. You will thoroughly learn how to create navigation menus horizontal, vertical and mega menusYou will learn how to add images and videos to mega menusYou will thoroughly learn how to create gradients linear (), Radial (), and conic () gradientsYou will thoroughly learn how to create CSS accordions and tooltips (top, bottom, left and right tooltips)You will thoroughly learn how to design price tablesYou will thoroughly learn about the box model and the importance of box-sizing propertyYou will learn how to reference CSS with inline, internal and external styling and also learn how to import CSSYou will learn how to work with colors Hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, color keywordsYou will thoroughly learn how to work with font properties font-size, line-height, font family, font-weightYou will thoroughly learn how to work with text properties and word propertiesYou will thoroughly learn how to work with CSS length units rem, em, px, %, vh, vw, pc, ptYou will thoroughly learn how to import font awesome in order to incorporate it in your designYou will thoroughly learn how to import Google fonts as part of your font familyYou will thoroughly learn the types of selectors and how to combine them for ease of useYou will thoroughly learn how the cascading rule worksAnd so much more.