Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2016) Jorge A. Baier Editor

Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2016) Jorge A. Baier Editor
Brand: AAAI
55 USD
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The objective of SoCS is to gather computer science researchers working on the area of combinatorial search. This area is relevant to several research communities, including artificial intelligence, automated planning, operations research, and robotics. SoCS is thus a venue attended by experts of different subfields, providing an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, foster collaboration, and boost crossfertilization among these subfields. Based on the tradition of the symposium, our call for papers invited submissions of both original and previously published papers. For original papers we had two categories: long (8-page) and short (2-page) submissions. Long original papers describe novel, mature research, whereas short submissions describe novel contributions, which are significant but smaller in size, or whose progress is at an early stage. The track for previously published papers, on the other hand, is oriented to research recently presented at other venues that we believe if of great interest to the SoCS community.