Quora Marketing Strategy Made Easy: Complete A to Z Course

Quora Marketing Strategy Made Easy: Complete A to Z Course
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Quora Marketing is one of the most emerging platforms nowadays because of the amazing benefits it gives. Quora Marketing Strategies that taught in this lecture makes it very amazing for students who want to grow their business as a brand or individual. Everything taught in this Quora Marketing Strategies course is a complete course for beginners to advanced. We taught everything from how to create an account on Quora to everything. What is Quora?Quora is a social Q & A community. Since being founded in 2010, the platform has seen its user base soar. Today, Quora garners over 1.5 million monthly visitors worldwide. For marketers, thats a vast untapped source of referral traffic and potential leads. With the right strategy, marketers can reach new audiences and drive prospects to their products and services, resulting in huge returns for their bottom line. For some marketers, using Quora has proven to triple their referral traffic for a reasonable time investment. Users on Quora develop profiles, pose questions to the community, and share their expertise by answering others questions on subjects ranging from technology to social media to startups and venture capital. Quora is a smart place for marketers and here is why: Gain exposure to Quoras 750,000+ monthly visitors. Nearly 785,000 people access Quora each month in the U.S. alone. Build expertise and authority on your chosen topic. Check other people and Questions and Answers and Learn from theusers, customers, industry experts. Answer questions about your product or service and become more noticeable. Be aware of what is happening! Find out the questions people are asking about your product or industry. Driving traffic to your website will involve the followings: Optimize your profile position yourself as an expert on the topic. Use your bio profile to promote your blog or social media accounts. Find questions that attract the most views and followers you may be thinking the most popular answer has gotten too many views and you cant compete with them. But you should remember: most popular questions also have a ton of followers! So every time when you post an answer, those followers will get a notification that theres a new answer. Look for new questions that are gaining traction a week old question which receives 1000+ or more views is a good candidate.10 huge Benefits of Using Quora as Part of Your Quora Marketing Strategy1. Quora helps prospects discover your brandThe Quora community is vast and made up of dedicated users who trust it as a source of reliable information, which presents brands with a unique opportunity to truly engage with their audiences. Providing answers to users questions and starting conversations on topics related to your industry allows your brand to build its reputation as an authority, and demonstrate your expertise. Once your brand has established a voice, you can begin to build trust with prospects and naturally guide them to discover your products or services. The communitys distaste of shallow or self-promoting content means that marketers need to avoid overly-promotional tactics and contribute to conversations in an organic way that doesnt attempt to sell users. Putting time and effort into real communication with driving the most qualified users to your website who are already sure of your credibility.2. Quora posts appear in search engine resultsSearch engines can now search Quora data to get the most relevant information about a particular search query, such as the name, age, and location of the user. Bing produces Quora results in its social sidebar, where Google shows Quora posts as regular results, meaning its possible that your answer to a question could be ranked in the number one result spot for a given term. This is great news for marketers trying to drive organic traffic. All the more reason to ensure your answers and input are relevant, and dropping the occasional keyword or phrase wouldnt hurt. If Googles algorithm deems your responses the best answer to a search, your impact has doubled with the Quora community and search engine users.3. Quora lets you learn more about your target audienceQuora does the work of a marketing survey, without the survey. Its an excellent way to learn specific details about your core audience solely by paying attention to what people are asking about. If theyre expressing a problem, how can your brand be the solution to it? Your passive research can also help define your content marketing strategy. By focusing on what your audience vocalizes, you can create content that adequately addresses their wants and needs.4. Quora is great for content ideationRunning out of content ideas? Quora offers endless opportunities to discover common questions and create targeted content that provides actionable answers and solutions. By following users and feeds, youll easily be able to see what topics and content types are sticky with the community. For example, a user posting the question, How does social media help SEO? is an excellent prompt for a quick blog post or