Rock Solid SEO - The Simple Guide To Rankings That NEVER Drop. Irwing Author

Rock Solid SEO - The Simple Guide To Rankings That NEVER Drop. Irwing Author
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Rock Solid SEO - The Simple Guide To Rankings That NEVER Drop.Over the last few months I’ve seen hundreds of SEO marketers lose entire income streams overnight.And it wasn’t very long ago that I was in the same boat. I was doing SEO just like everyone else, following what the gurus were saying, and sitting pretty on a few high ranking sites.But Then Everything ChangedOut of nowhere, my websites all TANKED. Every single one.Of course I later found out that it was thanks to a little thing called the Google Panda. I found out that it had actually affected thousands of websites, and I wasn’t the only one who got killed.My Income Dropped to Almost $0As you might imagine, I got pretty freaked out. What was I supposed to do now? I had a family to support. Plus I was saving up for a sweet vacation, as this had been my best year to dateThen it hit me.I wasn’t building a solid business!Despite the fact that dozens of marketers had told me not to solely focus on SEO, I did it anyways. I figured that I was doing okay, why should I listen to them?I mean, they were just jealous, right?.So after getting killed in the SERPs, I finally learned my lesson. I decided to build a real, brandable business from that point on. No longer would all of my traffic come from SEO, but from other sources as well. And you know what happened? I developed a system of building websites that just cannot fail. Not only does it help me rock in the SEO world, but get tons of traffic from other sources as well. Introducing…A System so Easy that Even A 14 Year Old Can Do ItWhat I finally developed was a simple system that just about anyone can do. Even if you don’t have a lot of technical skills- you can start creating websites that rank well and STAY there.In Rock Solid SEO, you’ll discoverThe history of SEO… and why it doesn’t work anymoreWhat Google is really doing with its updatesWhy old school backlinking methods kill your rankingsThe 5 most powerful sources for your backlinksFree and paid resources that still do wonders for trafficHow to build a brand and drive traffic from all over the webYes! You Can Create Rankings in the SERPs that Never Go DownWith the imploding of thousands of websites, it’s as simple as 1-2-3.1) Build a site with quality content2) Create an infrastructure that is rock solid 3) Drive targeted traffic through backlinks that Google lovesThat’s it! And once your site is ranked at #1, you have an employee working for you around the clock- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!