Sales Action - Become An Action Taker In Sales & Business

Sales Action - Become An Action Taker In Sales & Business
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Welcome to the Sales Action Mini SeriesIf I had to guess, I’d say that this isn’t the first Personal Development content you’ve seen. Maybe youve started watching videos from sales training experts like Grant Cardone, Gary Vee, Tai Lopez, Dan Lok, Tony Robbins, Alex Becker or any of the other Clickfunnels, youtube or social media marketing masters. Or maybe you’re already an entrepreneur or business owner whos in charge of making sales. And while that stuff is amazing, a lot of people still find themselves frustrated with a lack of results. Not because of the of a lack of information, but because of a lack of action in their business or sales career. See we all “know” what we should do in life when it comes to sales. We all “know” sales scripts and the perfect sales pitches, but at the end of the day, we struggle to take the action we need to take to make more sales. This is not a sales “knowledge” issue. This is a psychological one around fear and anxiety. Be honest with yourself. Do you struggle to create results in salesAre you constantly trying to get the latest and greatest sales training course but not fully applying it. Do you have to motivate yourself with the latest Grant Cardone video just to have the courage to contact that lead or ask for someone’s business? Does the thought of following up with sales leads and or going out and making sales in whatever industry youre in feel exhausting or draining? Listen I get itI’ve been there, and I would like to invite you to join me on a very different approach to fixing this issue. This isnt another sales training or sales persuasion course. This is a mini psychology course for people in sales who want to take more action in their business and sales careers. Quit beating yourself up for not working hard enough or closing more sales or lacking motivation. If you dont understand the inner workings of why you take action or not, you’re fighting a losing battle. So join me in this short, but insightful mini-series as we explore the psychology of sales actions and motivation. Imagine enjoying the process and naturally and effortlessly feel compelled to go out and follow up with sales leads. Stop having to PUSH yourself to make sales & Start feeling PULLED to make them. If you’re in sales of any kind. You need to hear this. I’ll see you inside- Justin