Savvy Book Marketing Strategies for Busy Writers Who Don't Have Time for Marketing Angela Booth Author

Savvy Book Marketing Strategies for Busy Writers Who Don't Have Time for Marketing Angela Booth Author
Brand: Angela Booth
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You’re a busy author – you don’t have time to market your books, because you’re busy writing.Here’s a cruel fact: unless you make time to market your books, you’ll have minimal sales. Perhaps zero sales.Today, with hundreds of thousands of new books published each and every month, every author needs to market. However, marketing needn’t take up much time, as long as you have a plan.What if you could market your books in just minutes a day?You can.In this book we look at:* Selling more copies of every book you write;* How to win loyal readers;* How to kick your sales into high gear;* How to use free in your marketing;* Social media marketing secrets…And much more.Start marketing today, and sell more copies of every book you write.