Selling The Secret Sauce Lou Diamond Editor

Selling The Secret Sauce Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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Here’s A Sneak Preview Of What You Will Get: How to get ahead of other information marketers using this truth which no one talks about openly. 4 types of subliminal devices you can use immediately to grab attention… keeps your customers so intrigued… they can never sleep until they buy your product. 22 ways to induce a buying trance in the first 4 seconds 18 suggestive words to paste into your copy and watch conversion climb as you use each one. 14 secret techniques to make your prospect excited with anticipation and ready to bolt across the room to buy your product. 19 tactics to turn on your customers greed glands and make them go into a compulsive buying frenzy. How to take any mundane ebook and turn it into a confidential report packed with insider’s information within 10 minutes. Top 13 things you can say to intensify your prospect’s desire… makes them want your information even more. 11 ways to tempt your customers to buy no matter how skeptical, sophisticated, or cheap they may be. 16 ways to influence your customer’s buying decisions in a split-second… suppresses buyer’s remorse and even makes your customers think it was the wisest investment they ever made.And much, much more… Read This Only If You’re Still Skeptical…By now, you might be asking Why should I believe you? In fact, I have answered those questions so many times, I made the FAQ list below.Q. Why can’t I just add the word Secret in my products?A. My friend, it’s more than that. If you promise them a secret but it turns out to be something they already know, your refund rates will rocket through the roof. This book teaches you how to carry the secret so your customer not only believes it, they let you keep the money even though they learned nothing new.Q. This sounds simple. Can’t I do it myself without your ebook?A. Everything is always simple in retrospect. To discover and apply these secrets properly is never easy. It takes time and tremendous amount of experimentation before you can make it work. I personally invested lots of time and energy to research these and I had more failures than I care to admit. You can test 10,000 strategies and find only 1 that works. This ebook will save you hundreds of hours because I give you strategies – that works.Q. I don’t have a product. Can this work for me?A. It’s easy to create a product. Just do some research on the web, compile the information into a simple ebook, and then use the information in Selling The Secret Sauce to sell a million copies. But even if you don’t want to do that, all the secrets taught in this book can be applied to sell just about anything. I’ll be disappointed if you limit yourself to selling only your own products. Use this to sell anything you want and make more sales.