Are you tired of search engine optimization (SEO) books that teach you nothing?In this book, you can learn all the practical search engine optimization (SEO) secrets and tips that Googledoes not want you to know. It is focused on Google, although it is also valid for other search engines suchas Bing, Yahoo or Yandex. Reading this book you will learn the general strategy, the keyword strategyand the importance of some previous steps to be able to compete successfully for the search engineresult pages (SERP). You will get good advice on how to optimize the structural factors that contribute tothe positioning of a page, which are those related to the domain or the website as a whole. And you’ll alsoget tips for optimizing the internal optimization factors (on-page SEO) and of course tips on externalfactors (off-page SEO), link generation (link building) and mazimizing the impact of social networks insearch engine optimization (SEO). You will learn to master concepts such as Pagerank, TrustRank,BadRank and RankBrain, the latter related to usability and user experience, which are increasinglyimportant. The author tells -almost- everything he knows, the result of his innovative doctoral (PhD) thesison Google and more than a decade of experience and observation of the search engine, as president ofa consulting firm specialized in search engine optimization (SEO), Top Position, founded in 2008.Is the name of a domain still important to Google?How to undertake an efficient keyword study?What is the optimal density of text on a web page?What is PagerRank? And BadRank? How to correctly generate quality inbound links?How important are social networks in search engine optimization? Which are the most relevant?What is RankBrain? How important is user experience and usability for Google?Here you will find the answer to these and other questions!