SEO For Writers And Bloggers Simon J Townley Author

SEO For Writers And Bloggers Simon J Townley Author
Brand: Simon J Townley
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Here’s how to master search engine optimisation and tame the monster that is SEO – in a matter of hoursImagine if you could crack the secret of writing SEO copy without having to stuff your prose full of keywords, or spending hours working out what those SEO ‘experts’ are on about:Learn to write for both readers and search engines, and attract more visitors to your websiteDiscover how to research and use keywords – and precisely where they should be placed for maximum effectiveness50 pages of facts, tricks, strategies, tips and essential information, explained in clear English, and structured to take you from the basics through to mastery of writing SEO copy.Everything you need to know to bring in more readers from the search engines: go from SEO novice to expert in a matter of hours and save yourself weeks of research trying to get to the right information.You know you should take search engine optimisation more seriously, but it’s such a boring subject, full of jargon, and hard to engage with – when you would rather just be writing and blogging.But getting more traffic from the search engines is not hit and miss – you need to do the right things, and avoid the wrong things.To rank high in the search engines, you don’t have to mangle your writing by stuffing it full of keywords.It’s much smarter to know what the search engines are looking for and how they work, so you can target your keywords, put them in the right places, and keep on writing for readers, not robots.This book isn’t about how to game Google or how to get rich quick in internet marketing. It’s a clear, simple but all-encompassing guide to writing in ways that will rank well in the search engines.There’s 50 pages here, packed with information, designed to give you virtually everything you need to know, as a writer or blogger, for ranking well in the searches.It’s not a guarantee to put at number one in Google. You have to do the work. What the book does is give you the facts, clearly and quickly, so you can improve your online writing.Who’s it for?Anyone who blogs or writes online and wants more traffic to their site, their articles, their pages, hubs, lenses or whatever.Who’s it written by?The author is not an SEO consultant, expert, or ‘ninja,’ but a writer. This book has been written from scratch, not thrown together from blog posts. It has been logically and clearly structured and written in clear English.If you know nothing about SEO now, within a few hours you will know everything you need to know, unless you plan on becoming an SEO consultant. That’s right, it’s all here, clearly explained – how to choose keywords, how to research them, how and where to use them, both in your writing and behind the scenes on your web page.The book is free from jargon and techno-babble. So if you want to master writing for the search engines, this book tells you how, in clear and easy to understand prose. It’s SEO made easy.Everything’s covered: it’s the only ebook you’ll ever need when it comes to writing copy for websites, blogs, and other online content.