Simple SEO: Search Engine Optimization Made Simple

Simple SEO: Search Engine Optimization Made Simple
94.99 USD
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You will dramatically improve your search engine (SEO) results with what you will learn in this online course. In this course we will cover the following topics: What Google and the other Search Engines are looking for in your web siteHow to choose a web site designer and how to make sure they do a great job for you Comparing html site to Flash, PHP and design platforms for web sitesOptions available for designing web sites yourself The basic mechanics of building a web site that the search engines like All the web site elements required for good SEO How to read the “Source” of a web site How to find the keyword that people are actually searching forHow to submit your web site to the search engines Which tools work to help increase your web site rankings How to incorporate Social Media Marketing strategies with your SEO strategies for maximum search engine rankings