Social Media for Real Estate Sales Success

Social Media for Real Estate Sales Success
74.99 USD
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This seminar provides real estate professionals with basic and advanced knowledge of the major social media platforms used to generate leads and make you a more effective sales person. It also provides the tools needed to create effective and successful social media marketing campaigns with no or little cost. Specifically, students will learn: Digital Marketing: Strategies, ROI, Theories & Approaches, Tools & TacticsBlogs and blogging: Platforms, Content Creation, Getting ViewsFacebook: Follower Acquisition, Content & Posts, TacticsTwitter: Building an Audience, What to Tweet, Becoming ValuableYouTube: Creating Videos, Getting Views, Connecting ContentInstagram: Creating Profile, Posts, Using HashtagsAt the end of the day students will not only know how to use the most important marketing and sales tools created since the television, but they will also have a plan to use it. As a bonus you will received a complimentary e-version of the instructor’s book, Fromthe Ground Up: Building a Complete Social Media Marketing Program.