Social Media Marketing 101

Social Media Marketing 101
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Learn an agency approach in creating social media success in 6 steps. Have you everFelt confused on what social media platform you should be on?Felt unsure if the content your sharing is something your audience will like?Pressed the BOOST button on Facebook and wasted money?Social media used to be a way to find new friends, reconnect with old ones, and stay connected with current ones. Along the way some very creative and business-minded individuals have capitalized on the ability to connect with new people worldwide. They have turned regular profiles into business accounts, and in turn most major platforms adapted with features that make it easier to drive traffic to websites or to make sales directly through the platform. Those who did it right were able to create off-the-charts results. Those who didnt are still stuck trying to figure it out. Which is why we, Vision Paradox, created Social Media Marketing 101.Throughout the years weve had the pleasure of working with brands such as Max Amini, developing his social strategy and selling out his shows all over the world to tech companies like Festiie, where we got them 3,000 new Facebook likes, 1.2 million views on their video, and 1200 new email leads in 6 days. Its through that experience and testing weve boiled everything we know to the 6 steps we teach in Social Media Marketing 101.Would you like to learn the 6 steps Vision Paradox uses to create social media results for their clients?Would you feel excited if we showed you simple ways to make your profile stand out, how to make your content better, build your following, and how to make content that will last you for months?Does that sound good to you?You excited yet Good. If you look up to influencers on Instagram, Youtube, or anywhere else, they all started at the same place: THE BEGINNING. We designed this course to take you from BEGINNER to ADVANCED in 6 steps. So whether youre a beginner or have been doing this for a while, youll find these steps as a guideline. In this course youll be learning how to: Identify your audiences for each platform, and post the right kind of content that your audiences will respond to. Post meaningful and aesthetically pleasing content that can grab the attention of potential followers. Find ways to efficiently schedule content posting on each platform. Master each platform and effectively leverage each one to drive up sales or promote a product. Keep your finger off that BOOST button. There are better ways to increase the visibility for each post. Formulate copy that is compelling, meaningful and brand-compliant. Find which platform is better for your business or brandCreate months worth of content for all platforms. The focus of this course: To get you focused on the right things that matter to you and your audience so you can start building results. Whether youre a personal brand or a business, these steps will apply to you. By the end of this course, youll know exactly what kind of content your audience will like, which platforms will work best for you, and how to automate your social media in less than 4 hours. Imagine in the near future how youll feel whenYouve created content that both you and your audience loves. Your social media is on autopilot. Youve built a community that loves you and your brand. Can you see that for yourself?That all starts with making a choice. Now that youve gotten a great idea of how Vision Paradoxs Social Media Marketing 101 course works by now. We hope youre feeling excited! Enroll now to get started.