Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers by Jack, Chan, Lawrence Hollingsworth

Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers by Jack, Chan, Lawrence Hollingsworth
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With the proliferation of digital cameras reducing the entry costs into the world of professional or prosumer photography, photographers who depend upon their photographic income to support or supplement their income are forced to fight harder to keep their clientele and build their business than they would have in years past. However, the growth of social media has offered photographers inexpensive and potentially highly effective tools to do just that. “Social Media Marketing for Photographers” will introduce digital photographers to the wealth of social media tools at their fingertips and walk them through the most effective way to build and expand their businesses. Answering questions such as “What sites should I be using?,” “How often should I be using them?,” and “How should I be using them?” and including testimonials from top photographers in the industry regarding their social media success, this book will be the perfect resource for digital photographers who are overwhelmed by the growing world of social media. While this book will walk readers through the basics of how to use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, and a number of other social media tools, the heavy emphasis will be on the unique challenges of marketing an image-based business on these sites as well as in translating the use of these tools into increased profits.