Social Media Marketing for Startups

Social Media Marketing for Startups
19.99 USD
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Welcome to ourcourse onSocial Media Marketing for Startups. This course isdesignedforstartup foundersand others who seekpractical adviceon how to improve yoursocial media marketingefforts. By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the benefits of using social media for your startup- Understand the advantages of different platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest- Be able to determine in which platforms to build your presence- Learn how to prepare and implement a social media marketing plan- Benefit from practical tips on how implement social media campaigns that bring you results and achieve your marketing objectives- Receiveadvice and online templates for preparing and implementing a social media marketing plan, The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants to improve social media marketing efforts of their startup. Also, new entrepreneurs and marketing students can benefit from this course. There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor. If you need personal support, I am here to help! Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.