Social Media Marketing Step-By-Step Examples For Results

Social Media Marketing Step-By-Step Examples For Results
189.99 USD
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405-Star Reviews(and growing!) Listen to what Jean W. hadto say:".There is so much valuable information that I can’t wait to put to use to help me grow my business. The information and examples that are used during the course are relevant and easy to incorporate into my particular business. My time was very well spent in taking the course. Thank You.“In this course you will learn the essentials of social media marketing for entrepreneurs and small business. By the end of this course you will choose onesocial media platform to go “all-in” on. As anexpertMarketing Consultant, Isee my clients have success on social media when they choose one platformto be the best at. Don’t spread yourself too thin on 5 different accounts! Master the basics of Social Media Marketing For Business: NEWfor 2017: Facebook Live for Business Take advantage of current trends Dozens of examples specific to small business 8 platforms explained, including: Facebook (emphasis on video) YouTube LinkedIn Instagram For Business (BRANDNEWand only available here) Twitter Pinterest Snapchat Google+ Step-by-step guide onhow to create your accounts Step-by-step guide onhow to post Utilize no-nonsensebest practices for success Bonus:1-Page Social Media Marking PlanReal Life Examples of Social Media For Small Business Look folks, the vast majority of social media marketingadvice online is geared for big business. You’ll see examples with large companies like Oreo, Taco Bell, and Mountain Dew. Those examples don’t help you learn! Big businesses havesocial media teams, production teams, and animation teams. You dontAll our examples focus on what an entrepreneur and small business can do to see resultsCourseContent: Learn what will get you the best ROTI (Return on Time Investment)The course is structured by social media platform. We’ll do a deep dive on 4 of the accounts Isee business owners use the most for success. They are Facebook, LinkedInYouTube, Instagram*On these 4 platforms we’ll use a fictitiousbusinesstoshow you how to set up accounts from scratch and make your first post. You won’t get this anywhere else folks! Awesomeness! Well also discuss: Why to choose that platform Terminology How-to set up your account How-to make your first post Best practices for successThe other 4 social media accounts are Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Google+. For these platforms we’ll discuss: Why to choose that platform, and Best practices for successThese platform’sarent discussed as in depth because they are more niche. The vast majority of entrepreneurs and small business owners won’t be using these platforms to start and growtheir social media presence andbusiness. Keep this in mind: *You can finish this course in an afternoon. Or break up the course into daily, less than 10 minute videos! Now, to take your social media marketing knowledge to the next level, all you need to do is: Click the green button abovecalled"Take This Course”. If you’renew to Udemy, fill out your information. Then, BOOM, you’re in! My friend.I will see you in the course: )- Blake Stockton