Superb Mobile Marketing --AAA+++ Captain Pierre Author

Superb Mobile Marketing --AAA+++ Captain Pierre Author
Brand: Captain Pierre
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Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction The Mobile Future Is Now Chapter 2 Dominate Local Market with Mobile Marketing Why Local Market? Chapter 3 Mobile Marketing Is Going Web Google Places Google Reviews Click to Call Google Maps AdWords Express P20Getting Listed in Directories City Search Yelp Merchant Circle BBB Yellow pages Mobile Social Media Presence Foursquare Facebook Places Chapter 4 Effective Mobile Advertising Chapter 5 List Building with Mobile Marketing Chapter 6The SureWire Success Mobile Marketing Campaign Setting Up Your Campaign Tracking Phone Numbers Setup SMS Campaign Setup Voice Campaign …p33——————————————————–ForwardThe Mobile Future Is NowThe web is such a large facet in nearly every person’s lives. The reach of the web has increased from the simple access by users with computers to persons carrying phones, music players, tablet computers and even handheld video game consoles. This wide expanse of mobile devices which now have accessto the web makes several opportunities to use systems of marketing to make money over the web.Almost every high end website has by now created a mobile version of their website which is accessible with even the lower end mobile devices such as pay-as-you-go phones with low memory. This accessibility increases the website’s worth by making it available for a majority of internet enabled devices to access it. Alongside this massive growth by websites to the mobile category of accessibility is the growth of online searches.Mobile searches are made every few seconds by thousands of mobile devices in any one technologically modern location. Google has reported a consistent130% search volume growth year after year with this value expected to grow at a higher volume in the years to come as more advanced mobile devices are being released with an even greater demand for such devices. These devices have capabilities that online marketers have been dreaming of, such as the ability to render full sized, memory intensive websites with elements such as scripts and even advanced objects such as flash based media.Of course this doesn’t mean that the marketers are exactly looking to use the full power of these mobile devices for mobile marketing, in fact it is quite the opposite. The higher processing power of these mobile devices simply makes it possible to display advertisements without massive formatting changes. This ideal environment makes it more efficient to market to mobile devices whereas in the past it was only possible with the high end devices which were not as common up until now.The best way to market to mobile devices is through the most commonly used search company, Google. Google takes advantage of its widespread reach to nearly all devices and has adapted to those of mobile accessibility and stature. Google has also augmented their keyword tool to work in conjunction with mobile search results statistics.———————————————————Captain Pierre