The Blog and Ping Tutorial Lou Diamond Editor

The Blog and Ping Tutorial Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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Stop Waiting and Waiting to Get Your Website Indexed Into Search Engines At Last! Get Your Website Listed In Major Engines Quickly. . . And Updated More FrequentlyPreviously Undisclosed Method for Blogging and Pinging” Will Work For Anyone Wanting an Internet Presence–Quickly and EasilyI had spent weeks creating the perfect web site. It had all the “right” features and was “guaranteed” to bring in the business. I only had one LITTLE problem. NO ONE could find my site! I tried everything. I submitted to search engines. I keyword optimized my content. I added posts to forums. I spent hour upon hour, week after week. I bought programs and tutorials and went to seminars. YET, after 6 months, my site was still UNKNOWN! However, just ONE WEEK after getting The Blog and Ping Tutorial, my site has finally been spidered! Thanks for sharing this great information!This testimonial is for example purposes only please add your own customers testimonial and remove this line From: Your Name HereFriday 10:14 AMDear Internet Marketer,Let’s face it, putting together a website is tough–but getting that website into the major search engines like Google and Yahoo is even tougher! There’s no doubt, the most difficult marketing technique for any Internet marketer to learn is how to get your sites indexed. And until you master it, the web site that you are counting on to generate sales, build your reputation, or generate AdSense revenue is just floating in cyberspace–worthless. No wonder it seems to take forever and ever. And it sometimes it really IS Forever and Ever!!That is why there are countless sites with advice, tons of expensive software, and plenty of costly seminars on how to get a search engine’s web crawler to spider (that is geek for find and enter into the search engine) your site. And yet, you and others just keep getting frustrated until you spend more hours in research, pour more effort into tweaking your site, or waste even more money on someone’s outdated ideas–all while time and opportunity are still slipping through your fingers.The simple truth is that until the search engine finds your site and decides to spider it, nothing else matters.This is where the newly discovered method of Blogging and Pinging proves so valuable. It gets your site noticed and spidered quickly and brings the crawler back more often. Blogging and Pinging is fast. It is easy. You don’t have to be a technical guru to understand the concept or learn the method! All you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions. And even better, the entire process is completely free! No new software to buy, no need to purchase subscriptions to new services, no renewal fees – truly FREE!Like you, I had read hundreds of articles about blogging and lots of speculation about its impact on search engines. While blogging is increasingly popular, blogging alone does nothing for search engines but give them millions of new–usually worthless–pages to search–and often screen out. The ability to subscribe to web sites and blogs through RSS Feeds (called syndication) is also changing the way the web works. These feeds automatically check (called pinging) web sites for changes, and send the changes to another site that has requested to be sent the changes. Of course, no one can subscribe to a site that they can’t find!! Two big web trends:Blogging–easy to create with free and relevant content Syndication–lets a site generate its own activity (pinging) I knew there must be a way to put these two trends to work to get web sites quickly spidered and frequently updated on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines.I spent hundreds of hours figuring out the Blog and Ping process. You see, these are two separate processes that happen on the web every day. Lots was written about each one but little is written about using them together in a way that would drive search engines to sites–at least not in a way that worked!!I was about to give up when the thought hit me–Everyone is making this seem hard, if not impossible. I stepped back, tuned out the hype, and realized there was a simple solution. Even with all my hours of research, it took months more to discover the simple, workable connection between blogging and pinging that capitalized on the design and function of search engines. The secret is that each of a few simple steps has to be done exactly right and in the right sequence on two separate web functions.Now, don’t get worried. I have put these steps one - by - one in The Blog and Ping Internet Marketing Tutorial and provide the simplest and easiest wa