THE TRIAL OF HOPE Manisha Kumari Deep Ph.D. Author

THE TRIAL OF HOPE Manisha Kumari Deep Ph.D. Author
Brand: Independently published
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The novel THE TRIAL OF HOPE has been read by hundreds of readers across the globe.This is a crime thriller and family drama story of an elderly couple and it revolves around their family and friends. This novel talks about the trials, and problems usually relationships go through and how present day relationships are becoming more challenging and demanding. The murders and crime have been depicted differently where faith, beliefs, ethics and rules have come together. The lady Mrs. Prabhakar is a sensitive woman and tries to help and resolve her friends’ troubles and problems but indirectly gets involved in them. While solving their problems, she realizes that her children are also facing trouble in their paradise. She helps her children in coupling with their other-halves but loses her better-half after more than thirty years of togetherness. Her broken life comes to track after a new patron of Sawera expresses his love. In this hot and cold time, Rahnuma is thrown out of her in-laws home due to Rahman her brother-in-law. Isha feels fishy about new patron Vinod and runs a background check. Jahangir asks Mrs. Prabhakar to help him unlock the truth of Rahman while Basimah seeks Mrs. Irani’s help to restore peace in her troubled paradise.Few Lines from the book: ‘Rohit yesterday visited Mr. Bhatnagar’s house to apologise and insisted in marrying Nidhi. I was there and overheard their conversation. I was shocked to know that he keeps his son and mother in Nagpur in another flat. He used to visit them every weekend which raised suspicion. Due to his absence on weekends, Nidhi started to track his activity through a private detective agency and gathered proof against him. He denied it but when Nidhi told him about the proof and police then he admitted it. So, she broke up with him. She lost hope in finding a true partner but God had better plans for her. The detective who gathered proof for her, fell for Nidhi and had proposed her. But she was scared to take this relationship further. So they decided to be coffee friends but in a span of one month they became more than friends. Rohit played match maker for them. He stood by Nidhi when Rohit came yesterday. Rohit didn’t know about Madhav who helped her to gather proof against him and was now dating her. When Madhav told Rohit that he was dating Nidhi, he became furious and threatened Madhav. But instantly Mr. Bhatnagar called up at the police station. Now, Rohit is behind bars. Mr. Bhatnagar didn’t want to do it but finally for safe future of Nidhi, he did send Rohit to jail. We are silently praying for Nidhi and Madhav to be together forever,’ concluded Sharmili breathing sign of relief.Read to find out the mysteries behind faces. A crime and supernatural horror mystery that will not let you keep down this novel without reading it.Popular On Kobo: Novella: An Alien Land (Sci-Fi / Mytho) Recent Release: 2 Moms (Romantic/Horror/Paranormal) Short story: Walk to School (Social Horror); Unfolding Disaster (Sci-Fi);Non-Fiction: ‘Social Media Marketing: Author’s Quandary Decoded’ (Kindle) Upcoming Self-Help Book: ‘Conquering Emotions’. About the AuthorManisha Kumari Deep, Ph.D. started her career doing research in an uncharted domain and got her doctoral thesis published as a book title ‘Organic IT Infrastructure Planning and Implementation’. Notable Non-Fiction works include Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Leadership Style, Feasibility Study between Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment and Organic Networks, Cloud: DDoS, Blockchain, Regulations, Compliance and Case study on Social Media Quiver: Tine for Brands