*UPDATED* Web Development Secrets 2023 - CRP, HTTP, AJAX ETC

*UPDATED* Web Development Secrets 2023 - CRP, HTTP, AJAX ETC
199.99 USD
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Why 1-second matters hugely?A one-second delay in page load time yields:30% fewer page viewsLess customer satisfactionLoss in conversionsAside from influencing ranking well with Google, a few extra seconds makes a big difference to viewer attention, interest, conversions and hence profit. Let me share my web developer secrets with youUnderstanding the Critical Rendering Path will enable you to become an awesome programmer. Take control through understanding. Delivering a fast web experience requires a lot of work by the browser. Most of this work is hidden from web developers: we write the markup, and a nice looking page comes out on the screen. But how exactly does the browser go from consuming our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to rendered pixels on the screen? By understanding this, you will be able to write better code in order to boost your website traffic, know how to precision fix and tweak behaviour and performance, improve your market penetration and your margins. Youll also gain an advantages over other developers who seem to just push the buttons without fully appreciating what is happening. What this course covers?In this course youll learn about the Critical Rendering Path. This refers to the set of steps browsers must take to fetch and then convert HTML, CSS and JavaScript into living, breathing websites. From there, youll start exploring and experimenting with tools to measure performance. Youll learn simple, yet very powerful strategies to deliver the first pixels to the screen as early as possible. Knowledge of the CRP is incredibly useful for understanding how a site’s performance can be improved. There are various stages to the CRP, such as constructing the DOM, constructing the CSSOM, running JavaScript, creating the Render Tree, generating the Layout and finally Painting pixels to the screen. As you can see, this covers a whole bunch of interesting material. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to speak CRP by gaining an understanding of how to fetch data from a server and then get that data to your user as quickly as possible. We dig deeper in every lecture, learning about things like HTTP, TCP, data packets, render blocking resources, and a whole bunch more! This course has many bonus lectures which extend your knowledge base and test your skills. Through practical examples, this course helps you understand the CRP piece by piece. And we use the latest and best features of JavaScript and browsers (like the new Fetch API) along the way so you can stay ahead of the pack. Acomprehensive Web Development course on Udemy Successful programmers know more than rote learning a few lines of code. They also know the fundamentals of how web development works behind the scenes. If youre wanting to become a full stack developer, you need to know how to deal with server requests and responses, loading, scripting, rendering, layout, and the painting process of the pixels to the screen.I want you to become a successful programming Grandmaster.I want you to be able to apply what your learn in this course to your webpage. This course is perfect for you. DescriptionHi there, my name is Clyde and together were going to learn about the entire critical rendering path and apply it to practical situations. We’re going to practice and learn and emerge confident to tackle any challenges modern programs and websites throw at us. After completing a few university degrees, and post grad studies, I developed a fascination for web design and software languages. For several years I have immersed myself in this. I spent a fair bit on top courses and went on to apply the knowledge practically. I recognized gaps in some of the courses Ive taken and hence my course teaches what I wish I was taught. My intention is to share the knowledge with you in an easy to follow manner, so that we can benefit together. You benefit form learning, and I from sharing in your success. This course is for beginners and for intermediates.A unique viewUnderstanding web development is a vast topic. To get you up to speed, Ive spent months thinking about where to focus content and how to deliver it to you in the best possible way. You will learn “why” things work and not just “how”. Understanding the fundamentals of web development is important as it will allow you to write better code. And trust me, every website encounters bugs and slow rendering times, and without understanding the fundamentals you will be totally lost. How is this course different?There are lots of great courses on web development. Pity they never get into the detail about how we get our website to your users screen as quickly as possible which covers full stack development. In this course, I focus on true web performance. This includes server requests and responses, loading, scripting, rendering, layout, and the painting of the pixels to the screen. Practice makes perfectTheory is theory but theres nothing like getting behind your computer and typing in code. Thats why we will be coding, laughing and pulling out our hair together as we code r