Warning Psychological Triggers Exposed Lou Diamond Editor

Warning Psychological Triggers Exposed Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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Here’s A Sneak Preview Of What You Will Get How to make your prospects so curious, intrigued, and focused on your sales message, they buy your products just to find out more. 6 subliminal symbols that stops casual readers dead in their tracks, grabs them by the throat and pulls them into your sales letter. 54 tested words and phrases which breaks the preoccupation of your reader… draws them in like a magnet… and lets them go only after they buy your product. A fair warning: These words are so effective, you must use them for ethically reasons only. A time-tested technique to compel your prospects to make an immediate buying decision, even if they have to pay higher prices. How to generate a flood of orders using this well-engineered motivation to push your prospects into closure and completed action. Use this technique to generate believable scarcity… makes your prospects nervous for not buying… generates immediate gratification after parting with their money… and skyrockets your sales figures. Use this trick that works 100% of the time to make them pay attention now, or pay with pain later. A technique even the most seasoned marketers seldom use to make your pitch more urgent. After they hear this, your prospects wish they bought your products yesterday. How to get full cooperation from your readers to study your sales letter and give you their most valuable asset of all, their attention. Weed out the poor customers and attract the affluent ones with this polarizing technique Add shock value to your sales letters so people stay at your site long and buy faster. How professional pitchmen use this psychological triggers to generate thousands of leads and massive sales in 2 hours of stage selling. A pressure stacker trick that applies to anyone in business themselves. Use this and your market will respond like an obedient pet. Another unique trick which I don’t see being taught elsewhere. Use this human emotion to create disturbance which can only be resolved trying out your products. A technique stolen from some of the best marketers. Forewarn your prospect with this message and they will eat right out of your hand.And much, much more! Here Are Some Questions You Might Have…If you and I were just talking… you might have some questions. So to make things easier for you, I’ve answered some common questions asked by people like you before they decide invest in WARNING Psychological Triggers ExposedYou might be thinking right now…Couldn’t I just hire a copywriter to do all this for me?Of course you can! In fact, a good copywriter is probably the wisest investment you can make to improve your sales. However, solid sales copy don’t come cheap and you can be charged anywhere between 4-5 figures for decent sales-pulling copy. But if you can’t afford that now, then you can use these psychological triggers to pump profit into your bottom line until you can one day engage the service of an A-list copywriter.How’s this product different from any other books?Fair question. While there are hundreds of books out there that teaches you sales strategies, internet marketing, and other sales techniques, none of them gives you a list of proven psychological triggers for capturing and retaining attention. This book is that missing puzzle. There’s no guess work. Just weave in the proper word, and when that hot prospect turns up to you at that right moment, the opportunity will be handsomely harvested! Think about all the money poured into the drain for not making full use of what you got.Is this a scam?It’s good that you have a healthy level of skepticism. After all, there are just too much junk sold today by wannabes who sell lies and paint pipe dreams but knows nothing about making money. My ebook is a culmination of in-depth research and on-the-field testing. This list of psychological triggers MUST work. Why else would all the successful marketers, the ones raking in the most money, keep using them?